Reconstructing sexuality post disability

Acquiring a disability is a traumatic event that results in a sudden life change.  It can impacts a person not just physically and neurologically, but also socially, emotionally and psychologically.  Recovering from an acquired disability has been likened to a “rebirth”. A person needs to reconstruct even the most basic activities of daily living.  Sexuality, being an integral part of every person’s life, is also part of this reconstruction process.  

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Regardless of the disability, sexuality remains an integral part of every person’s life.  Sexuality is more than just sexual intercourse and arousal. Intimacy, tenderness, love, connection and understanding are all considered to be essential for a sense of belonging and wholeness.

Sexual rehabilitation post disability needs to take into account the diversity of the individual’s unique sense of self and sexuality, and address changes to physical functioning, body image and self-esteem, social and family roles, community access, integration and participation.  Sexual information and education is individualised, with emphasis on positive outcomes through reconstructing sexual identity. The aim of therapy is to facilitate a form of sexual expression that is satisfying and acceptable to the individual, and their partner. 

As a sex therapist, I help individuals, and their partners, to reconstruct a satisfying sense of sexuality post disability from a holistic, sex positive, and compassionate perspective.